Nature has no opinion about us. If you look closely, you will realize that it is pure, without additives, without over-understanding, it is simple and...
Archive for category: Blog Simbiosis
16.072017Thursday June 14th, 2018

I have always been curious of the microworld, of the life smaller than mine. The insects, spiders and all the arthropods, obtain of me admiration....
13.072017Thursday June 14th, 2018

Times of consciousness
As in the course of everyone’s life, I am in metamorphosis. The old skin is gone. I know a lot of people, I share, I...
28.032017Thursday June 14th, 2018
24.032017Thursday June 14th, 2018

What is Simbiotourism?
What is Simbiotourism? It is the respectful and friendly tourism with the nature directed to travelers who want to go to unique places in Colombia...